The Department of Energy recently published the details of its initiative to accelerate a beneficial integration of electric vehicles (EVs) into the electricity grid. (Thank you, Don Steinke for sharing this information with me.)
Some highlights include:
The initiative “focuses on the future of electric on-road US transportation… and the charging infrastructure with the electric grid.
Why is vehicle grid integration (VGI) important?
- Ensures vehicles can be connected without delay.
- Puts downward pressure on electricity rates.
- Ensures cost-effective charging, which lowers the total cost of EV ownership.
- Supports the integration of clean energy resources.
- Enhances grid reliability and resilience with EVs as a resource.
- Increases use of electricity infrastructure assets to reduce electric system cost.”
The role Clark Public Utilities has in the initiative includes “developing electricity infrastructure upgrades to meet growing EV charging demand, enable vehicle connections, develop markets and programs to compensate participation, propose competitive electricity rates, and collaboratively develop reliability standards.”
The Clark Public Utilities Integrated Resource Plan forecasts significant EV growth through 2044. So, “creating a symbiotic relationship between vehicle, charger, and the grid will require keeping customers and their transportation needs at the forefront of policy and planning decisions.”
The DOE publication is found here: