Erickson … is trained as an engineer and has worked as a consultant for utilities throughout the United States. She has valuable technical knowledge regarding how energy is produced and delivered, as well as the inner workings of utility companies. During an interview with the Editorial Board, she demonstrated a deep understanding of the industry and its challenges.
Sherry Erickson checks all the boxes to be our next Clark PUD Commissioner. As a retired utility and technology industry executive, I’m certain she alone is qualified to help our utility safely navigate what promises to be a turbulent energy future filled with technical, political, and environmental issues. Her direct experience working nationwide with utilities to solve these sorts of issues will pay great dividends for us as challenges are addressed locally. Her collaborative approach, innate fiscal conservatism, and focus on serving all ratepayers will help ensure we continue to experience affordable, reliable power backed by excellent customer service.
Primary Election Winner!
Get out and vote for Sherry Erickson for Clark Public Utilities Commissioner, District 1.
Sherry will represent ALL people’s interests within District 1 and Clark County. Sherry is a family and community-first, educated woman who cares deeply about providing affordable, reliable, and the best electric power and water services available to the paying customer. Sherry is not afraid of the tough questions, has a CAN DO attitude, and will make herself accessible and approachable to all people being served by Clark Public Utilities. Sherry is an innovator, driven, self-motivated, working-class woman who has accepted this challenge to serve the people within the community that she is rooted in and deeply loves.
Vote Sherry if you would like to see the utility landscape evolve, be challenged, be consistent, and most importantly affordable to ALL people.
When I read the Voters’ Pamphlet and compared the credentials of the candidates with the responsibilities of the position, Sherry Erickson stands out as the clear choice for our Public Utilities District Commissioner.
I have known Sherry Erickson for many years. She is highly intelligent, hardworking, and trustworthy. As a candidate to serve as a Clark Public Utilities commissioner, she is the most qualified person running for this position. She will be an excellent addition to Clark Public Utilities’ board. I highly encourage your support for her.
I worked in the electric utility industry for over 35 years. During that time, I developed a strong respect for its complexity and dynamic nature. I’ve also seen the impact planning, both good and bad, can have on customers.
Utilities are facing historic change. The shift to heat pumps, electric vehicles, real-time metering, and clean affordable energy are creating a multitude of challenges and opportunities.
It’s no longer business as usual. Sherry Erickson is the only candidate for Clark Public Utilities commissioner with the technical engineering, financial planning and hands-on industry experience needed to meet this challenge.
I am thrilled to offer my endorsement to Sherry Erickson as a candidate for PUD Commissioner. I have personally witnessed her unwavering commitment. Sherry’s active involvement in community events, including the grand opening of our small business in Ridgefield, and her leadership within youth church groups exemplify her dedication. By electing Sherry as PUD Commissioner, we can be confident that she will persistently advocate for the betterment of our community and work diligently to secure a brighter future for all of us.
I have known and worked with Sherry Erickson for many years. She is a person of high ideals and sober, thoughtful judgement. We need more people like Sherry in public service. I will definitely vote for her.
I strongly support Sherry Erickson for Clark Public Utilities Commissioner, District 1 and encourage a vote for her. Ms. Erickson’s educational background includes engineering and business, but more importantly she has also helped start a successful small business. The “hands-on” knowledge of budgets, deadlines, and customer needs qualifies her to serve as commissioner. I have known Sherry and her family for over a decade. She approaches everything with a desire to learn and serve and is able to set priorities and stick to them. The fact that she has decided to serve the community as a commissioner means she recognized the need we all have for well qualified people to step into roles of leadership in the community.
Sherry’s education and business experience make her a thoroughly qualified candidate to serve as PUD commissioner. She has a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from B.Y.U. and an MBA from Washington State University. She has youthful energy and ability, as well as education and extensive experience in the field of energy and design. Join me in voting for Sherry Erickson.
I will be voting for Sherry Erickson for PUD Commissioner. I spent 32 years working for a major electric utility in both the regulatory department and in customer service. In my experience, those people who get things done have the ability to work well with others, a firm grasp of what is required, and a determination to complete the task. I believe Sherry Erickson has these qualities and more.
I have had the opportunity to work with Sherry on several projects for children and youth in our community. Not only is Sherry kind and east to work with, she will go out of her way to make sure the job gets done. She has a knack for creating and implementing policy and procedure wile helping everyone feel like their voice is heard. Sherry’s integrity, attention to detail, and enthusiasm for our community make her a valuable asset to all she chooses to be involved with.
Sherry Erickson should get your vote. She is the Public Utilities Commission candidate who has the most expertise in utility consulting and the most knowledge of our local public utilities. As a longtime resident of Clark County, she understands the needs of its residents and wants what is best for all of us and our utility needs.
Sherry is smart and constantly educating herself. Her ability to concisely communicate and problem-solve while being loyal to our community makes her the asset we need. She is the consummate professional and will always be transparent. Sherry is an organized, creative thinker whom I endorse wholeheartedly. Please give her your vote.
You’ve got my vote! I think it’s great when good people run for office.
Sherry is the only candidate anyone should consider for our local PUD Commissioner. She cares about making low-cost and reliable utilities here in Clark County and aside from being the only licensed engineer, she has real work experience in the utilities industry. Sherry Erickson has my full support!
It is my great privilege to support Sherry Erickson in her run for PUD Commissioner. Sherry has many traits that qualify her for this position. Sherry has a desire to solve problems and serve others. I have watched how Sherry manages assignments, she understands the scope of the assignment, and she uses available resources to insure completeness of assignments. Her engineering education and work experience will serve her well. It is my great privilege to recommend Sherry Erickson for your consideration.
Sherry Erickson will be a breath of fresh air to our Board of Commissioners at Clark Public Utilities. As the owner of a small business in Vancouver, I recognize that adapting and improving will be essential to our utility’s viability. Sherry’s unique ability to bring relevant ideas and innovative thinking will promote sustainable business practices and keep operations running efficiently for many years to come.
I am happy to cast my vote for Sherry Erickson. I have known her for several years. She is honest, kind, and a hard worker. She is a woman of integrity and dependability. I think she’d make a great PUD commissioner.
I’m writing in support of Sherry Erickson for Public Utilities District commissioner. I’ve known Sherry personally for 15 years. She’s reliable, hard working, clear thinking and truly cares about our community. Sherry has the knowledge and experience needed to be an effective utilities commissioner. She has been attending utility board meetings and has worked within the industry for years. She understands the issues and has what it takes to fulfill her campaign promises of keeping rates stable and affordable. I trust Sherry’s judgment and that she will help make the best and most informed choices for our community.
Sherry Erickson is the PUD Commissioner candidate who will be professional and transparent. Her ability to concisely communicate and problem-solve while being loyal to our community make her the asset we need. Sherry is an organized, creative thinker whom we endorse whole heartedly. Voting for Sherry will strengthen our community.
Sherry Erickson is a talented, honest, educated and highly motivated individual who isn’t afraid of hard work. She is deeply invested in our community and has an understanding of Clark Public Utilities that makes her the ideal candidate as our PUD commissioner.
As a VPS employee and a parent of children who attend VPS schools, the continuous budget cuts throughout the district are always alarming. Sherry is committed in helping our community lower costs by establishing policies and practices that foster economic stability in our Public Utility District. Every dollar saved can be redistributed to the education of our children.
Sherry Erickson has my full support, and I encourage my fellow residents to join me in voting for her as our next PUD Commissioner.
With so many candidates running for Clark Public Utilities Commissioner District 1, I spent some time evaluating the candidates and feel that Sherry Erickson has the best qualifications for the office. Her engineering and financial background makes me confident she will be able to serve the best interests of our county now and in the future. I was also impressed that she is using her own funds to run for office.
I look forward to supporting Sherry for the PUD. She is hardworking, detail-oriented, and loves the community. She will be a positive influence for good bringing new ideas and a fresh approach to the county utilities.
I’m thrilled to see Sherry Erickson in this position. Her dedication, work ethic, and love for service make her my first choice for this position. Having served in our community myself in multiple positions, I have firsthand experience of what it takes to be effective while keeping the big picture and equity in mind. I see the skills needed to do this work all readily available in Sherry and have complete confidence and trust in her to lead the way in this area.
As a concerned Clark County voter and local utilities customer, I would like to recommend, without reservation, Sherry Erickson for public utility district commissioner. I have known Sherry for over 20 years. Not only is she very well qualified, she is one of the most honest, upstanding women I know. Her education and background in engineering, having worked on numerous projects, gives her a unique perspective on the needs of a utility district. She has the endorsement of several entities in the county and is committed to bringing no-nonsense solutions to our utilities district.
I am so happy to see Sherry Erickson run for commissioner. I have known her and her family for a few years and I have always seen her put all her energy and focus in whatever she is pursuing. I know she will make a good fit for our community.
Sherry Erickson is the public utility district commissioner we need. Sherry’s extensive utility experience and technical qualifications are exactly what Clark Public Utilities needs to adapt to a rapidly evolving environment.
We face an epochal change in how we get and use energy. The open seat was held by Jim Malinowski with similar experience and qualifications. Someone on the commission needs to understand the industry and the technologies. Sherry Erickson is the commissioner we need.
I am a retired LE professional with over 40 years of experience here in Clark County. I learned a long time ago that subject matter expertise and leadership skills make a wonderful combination. Further, honesty and making good moral decisions help everyone in our community. With these traits in mind, I fully endorse and support Sherry Erickson for District 1, PUD Commissioner.
Sherry has been my neighbor for more than a decade. Although I have recently retired, I have been in the public utility business for all of my career and have a good understanding of this market sector. I have seen Sherry’s dedication and diligence even in her volunteer work. Her educational background and personality qualify her as a PUD commissioner.
Sherry Erickson is a well qualified for PUD Commissioner. She is a licensed engineer, works well with people and always completes what she starts. I have known Sherry for many years and know these things to be true. Also, she has unlimited energy and is willing to immediately get involved in the work of helping to shape the PUD. Sherry is the one to vote for.
I have known Sherry Erickson for over a decade. She is an amazing person who is kind, honest, smart and has integrity. She is successful in all aspects of her life and is a pleasure to be around. Her smile, determination, enthusiasm for life, and work ethic have always been attributes I admire. You will not find a better qualified and trusted candidate for PUD Commissioner.
Sherry Erickson, a licensed engineer with an MBA, embodies the ideal qualities for public utility commissioner: Technical expertise, drive, and integrity. With a background in engineering and business, utility consulting experience and community dedication, she is well-prepared to address affordability, environmental stewardship, and customer service.
The utility industry is evolving with technological advancements and sophisticated customer demands. My 22 years in this field have shown me the need for intelligent, engaged decision-makers. Sherry Erickson is the only candidate equipped to provide leadership during this transitional period. She is the most qualified candidate for this role. Vote for Sherry Erickson.
As a professor of electrical engineering, I believe that the future of electrical power in the USA requires industry engagement from utilities, including commissioners, with broad technical insight to ensure progress is deliberate and prudent. I recommend a vote for Erickson.
As a 22 year veteran of the FBI, I recognize the importance of honesty, transparency, and dedication in our elected officials. As a member of the Clark Public Utilities Board of Commissioners, Sherry Erickson will be an accountable, responsible steward of our county’s natural and financial resources. Sherry is an engineer and MBA recipient with deep roots in our community. Sherry Erickson’s experience make her an outstanding choice as a Commissioner with Clark Public Utilities.
We have known Sherry Erickson for over 20 years. She has solid character and judgment, a bright, well-informed, and educated mind, and an ability to forge forward calmly through challenging difficulties. She is honest and trustworthy, consistently conducting her life by sound principles. We trust Sherry with any responsibility, and especially with one such as Commissioner. She is highly qualified. Vote for Sherry! She will work diligently with the best interests of the general public in mind. She will not disappoint!
Sherry Erickson is the best candidate to represent District 1 as PUD Commissioner. She thinks clearly, which allows her to make smart decisions, is aware of the needs of our community, and is willing to fight for what is right.
Sherry is my choice for PUD Commissioner. We have volunteered side by side for many years as our kids have grown up together in the VSD. Sherry is energetic, intelligent, responsible, caring, thoughtful, and trustworthy and I cannot imagine a better candidate for this position! If you don’t know her personally, please take my word that Sherry will be a tireless advocate for consumers, helping to provide us with an affordable and effective electric power and water service. She is a natural leader but works well as part of a any team, has a warm approachable personality, and yet a fierce tenacity that will enable her to faithfully represent our interests as consumers.
We have known Sherry for over twelve years and find her to be one of the most well-rounded, honest people we have had the pleasure of knowing. She has expertise in finance as well as engineering and has the people skills to handle this position. We highly recommend her and are giving her our utmost support as well as our vote.
I have known Sherry Erickson for almost 10 years. She was one of the first to thoughtfully reach out to us when we moved here from out of state. She is outstanding and has raised an outstanding family. I have witnessed her ability and have heard people refer to her skill to accomplish whatever tasks lie ahead of her as “machine-like.” She is smart, efficient, logical, and driven among other great qualities. She has a strong moral compass and is trustworthy. Sherry is the person I want to make the decisions that directly impact my family as PUD Commissioner.
As an energy professional with over 25 years of relevant experience, I know how difficult it is to make important choices for customers while maintaining the vitality of the utility. Sherry Erickson has my support for the Clark Public Utilities Board of Commissioners. Sherry is an engineer and honors MBA with outstanding business and technical skills. She values our quality of life in Clark County and has demonstrated a keen awareness of the issues impacting supply, pricing, delivery, and reliability of energy here. Sherry Erickson is the right choice for a safe, affordable and reliable future for our utility.
Sherry Erickson is an experienced engineer with a strong background in the utilities industry, known for her honesty and commitment to doing what’s right. She’s always listening and focused on practical solutions that benefit the community. Sherry’s character shines in how she leads with transparency and holds herself accountable. Her dedication to serving Clark Public Utilities makes her the clear choice for commissioner. Vote for Sherry Erickson, a leader who genuinely cares and puts people first.
Sherry is very professional, knowledgeable, and wonderful to work with!
I enthusiastically support Sherry Erickson for public utilities district commissioner. Sherry is a doer. She is hardworking, talented, committed, compassionate, a good listener and one of the nicest people I know.
With years of study and experience in the utilities field, Sherry understands the issues and will help find solutions that will best serve the public interest. For over 12 years, Sherry has attended Clark Public Utilities board meetings, staying informed about local developments. If elected, Sherry will hit the ground running, ready to work to serve our community.
Sherry Erickson has the knowledge, experience, and insight to tackle oncoming challenges while providing the steady leadership we need today.
I am honored to endorse Sherry Erickson for Clark County Public Utilities District Commissioner. Sherry’s experience, commitment to community and deep understanding of reasonable energy policies will improve the quality of life for all Clark County ratepayers.
I wholeheartedly endorse Sherry Erickson for PUD Commissioner. I have known Sherry and worked closely with her for many years. She is an intelligent, dedicated individual who brings her unique perspective to any task or problem. I have observed her in a variety of situations, even in very stressful moments Sherry is always level-headed. She is kind, caring, organized, and a great leader. I am confident that she will be a great addition to the PUD Commission.
A vote for Sherry Erickson is a vote for the people. Sherry is extremely intelligent and will always give 100% to anything she does. I would trust her to be a voice for me and what our community needs. She is mindful of expenses in her own life and will fight to make sure we are taken care of too. She is loyal, trustworthy, and has solid values we can depend on. She is calm and thoughtful under pressure. We need someone efficient, frugal, and not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. I will definitely be voting for Sherry Erickson.
PUD Commissioners have a very important role to play in Clark County, particularly as we seek a more sustainable way of life. I have been a power engineer for over fifteen years and I definitely understand the challenges that lie ahead. We need an enthusiastic leader who has both the technical skills to understand difficult trade-offs and the business sense to make sure that we are getting the best value for our utility dollars. Sherry Erickson has the right skills for the job and if elected will be an excellent steward of our public utility district. Vote for Sherry Erickson!
I’ve worked with Sherry Erickson in several capacities and know her to be a hard-working, honest, and dedicated individual. She has the background knowledge to serve well as our next PUD Commissioner.
Sherry is my candidate primarily because of her integrity, continuity, and broad skillset for the reliable oversight of our PUD. Sherry has insightful engineering expertise, as well as the depth required for fiscal and business management. I’ve seen the dedication that Sherry brings to everything she does – from parenting to personal development; from volunteer management to professional perseverance. She is my candidate, I believe she should be yours!
I encourage people to vote for Sherry Erickson for PUD Commissioner. As a builder and local business person for the past 61 years, I have seen the benefits our community receives from the quality of outstanding services in our current system. Sherry is qualified to continue and expand these services. I have known Sherry for 15 years through a business relationship. She is a highly qualified, licensed, professional consulting engineer graduating with her MBA from WSU. With 30 years of consulting experience and time working in the Utilities Industry, Sherry brings valuable knowledge to the PUD as a Commissioner.
I support Sherry Erickson for PUD Commissioner. Sherry is very well qualified to represent the customers of Clark Public Utilities. As a commissioner for another local public utility, I understand the advantage of having an analytical background as an engineer and the unique perspective of a business owner. Sherry has given countless hours of community service and has provided valuable leadership. Clark County will be well rewarded by having Sherry as a Clark County Public Utilities commissioner.
There are at least three reasons why you should vote for Sherry Erickson. Experience – As a trained engineer she understands the technical side of the operation of the PUD. Leadership – I have observed her as a leader in a volunteer organization where she created a system where people knew what their responsibilities were and then helped them learn how to achieve success. Integrity – Having worked with her I find her to be honest in her dealing with others and follow through when she makes a commitment. When you vote for Sherry you get the whole package wrapped up in a genuinely pleasant person who will treat everyone with respect.